
Jeff Riley

PhD (Astrophysics), PhD (CS/AI), MAppSc (IT), GradDip (Knowledge Based Systems)
Adjunct Principal Research Fellow of RMIT University, 2007 - 2013

I worked in the computing industry in various roles for over 40 years, and have combined that corporate experience with an interesting and enjoyable academic career over the past nearly 30 years.

My research interests have been, for a long time, in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management, with a special interest in Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computation.

While I am still interested in those areas and active in the field, recently I decided to act on a long-time interest in physics by undertaking a second PhD, in Theoretical Astrophysics.

I hold a PhD in Theoretical Astrophysics (2023) from Monash University,  a PhD in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence (2006), a Master of Applied Science in Information Technology (1998), and a Graduate Diploma in Knowledge Based Systems (1997), all from RMIT University

I was an Adjunct Principal Research Fellow of RMIT University from 2007 to 2013 in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology (now the School of Computing Technologies), where I was a member of the Evolutionary Computation and Machine Learning Group.

I am currently a member of the COMPAS Group at Monash University.

Publications (click the  icon to open the file)


  • Jeff Riley.

    Probing cosmic history with merging compact binaries. 

    PhD thesis, School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University. Melbourne, Australia, 2023.

  • Jeff Riley.

    Evolving Fuzzy Rules for Goal-Scoring Behaviour in a Robot Soccer Environment. 

    PhD thesis, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia, 2006.

  • Jeff Riley.

    An Evolutionary Approach to Training Feed-Forward and Recurrent Neural Networks. 

    Master's thesis, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia, 1998.

Book Chapters

  • Kemal Delic and Jeff Riley.

    Enterprise Knowledge Clouds: Architecture and Technologies. 

    In Borko Furht and Armando Escalante, editors, Handbook of Cloud Computing, chapter 10, pp239-254. Springer, 2010.

    ISBN 978-1-4419-6523-3

  • Jeff Riley and Kemal Delic.

    Enterprise Knowledge Clouds: Applications and Solutions. 

    In Borko Furht and Armando Escalante, editors, Handbook of Cloud Computing, chapter 18, pp437-453. Springer, 2010.

    ISBN 978-1-4419-6523-3

  • Jeff Riley.

    Evolving Fuzzy Rules for Goal Scoring Behaviour in Robot Soccer.   (Online version)

    In Vladan Papic, editor, Robot Soccer, chapter 7, pp139-174. In-Teh, Croatia, 2010.

    ISBN 978-953-307-036-0

  • Jeff Riley and Kemal Delic.

    Enterprise Knowledge Clouds: Next Generation KM Systems? 

    In Syed Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas, editors, Cloud Computing and Software Services: Theory and Techniques, chapter 3, pp47-59. CRC Press, 2010.

    ISBN 978-1-4398-0315-8

  • Jeff Riley.

    Learning to Play Soccer with the SimpleSoccer Robot Soccer Simulator.   (Online version)

    In Pedro Lima, editor, Robotic Soccer, chapter 15, pp281-306. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, 2007.

    ISBN 978-3-902613-21-9

  • Jeff Riley and Vic Ciesielski.

    Analysing the Difficulty of Learning Goal-Scoring Behaviour for Robot Soccer.   (Online version)

    In Pedro Lima, editor, Robotic Soccer, chapter 16, pp307-336. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, 2007.

    ISBN 978-3-902613-21-9

  • Jeff Riley and Vic Ciesielski.

    Evolution of Fuzzy Rule Based Controllers for Dynamic Environments. 

    In Kay Chen Tan, Meng Hiot Lim, Xin Yao, and Lipo Wang, editors, Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, Volume 2 of Advances in Natural Computation, chapter 23, pp426-445. World Scientific, Singapore, 2004.

    ISBN 981-238-952-0

Magazine and Journal Articles

Conference Papers

  • Kemal Delic and Jeff Riley.

    SLA: Smart Log Analytics. 

    In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT 2015). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2015.

  • Kemal Delic and Jeff Riley.

    On Big Science: A Survey. 

    In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (i-KNOW 2015). Graz, Austria, October 2015.

  • Kemal Delic and Jeff Riley.

    Trading Monitoring Cockpit: Conceptual Architecture. 

    In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (i-KNOW 2014). Graz, Austria, September 2014.

  • Kemal Delic and Jeff Riley.

    Current and Future Trends in AI. 

    In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT 2013). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2013.

  • Kemal Delic and Jeff Riley.

    Emergency Control Cockpit. 

    In Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2013). Prague, Czech Republic, August 2013.

  • Jeff Riley and Vic Ciesielski.

    Fitness Landscape Analysis for Evolutionary Non-Photorealistic Rendering. 

    In G. Fogel et al., editors, IEEE CEC, WCCI 2010 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp2537-2545. IEEE Press 2010.

  • Kemal Delic and Jeff Riley.

    Enterprise Knowledge Clouds: Next Generation KM Systems? 

    In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKnow 2009), pp49-53. Cancun, Mexico, February 2009.

  • Kemal Delic, Jeff Riley, Claudio Bartolini and Adnan Salihbegovic.

    Knowledge-Based Self-Management of Apache Web Servers. 

    In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT'07). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovena, October 2007.

  • Kemal Delic, Jeff Riley and Yassine Faihe.

    Architecting Principles for Self-managing IT Systems. 

    In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Self-adaptability and Self-management of Context-aware Systems (SELF 2007), pp60-65. Athens, Greece, June 2007.

  • Jeff Riley and Vic Ciesielski.

    Analysis of the Difficulty of Learning Goal-Scoring Behaviour for Robot Soccer. 

    In M. Keijzer et al., editors, GECCO 2006: Proceedings of the 2006 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp1569-1576. Seattle WA, July 2006.

  • Jeff Riley.

    The SimpleSoccer Machine Learning Environment. 

    In Sung-Bae Cho, Hoai Xuan Nguen, Yin Shan, editors, Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming (ASPGP'03), pp24-30. Canberra, Australia, December 2003.

  • Jeff Riley and Vic Ciesielski.

    Evolving Fuzzy Rules for Reactive Agents in Dynamic Environments. 

    In Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL'02), pp124-130. Singapore, November 2002.

  • Jeff Riley and Kemal Delic.

    Augmenting Information Retrieval by Knowledge Infusion. 

    In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'99). Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999.

  • Jeff Riley and Victor Ciesielski.

    An Evolutionary Approach to Training Feed-Forward and Recurrent Neural Networks. 

    In L. C. Jain and R. K. Jain, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Based Intelligent Electronic Systems (KES'98), pp596-602. Adelaide, Australia, April 1998.


  • Jeff Riley.

    Conceptual graph representation of a work order allocation system. 

    Internal report, CS Department, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 1996.

Professional & Academic Activities

Page last updated December 23, 2024